Дідона та Еней
"Dido and Aeneas" is undoubtedly the most famous English opera. Researchers of Purcell's work are still trying to answer the question of why. Of course, Purcell has much more colorful pieces for musical theater, although "Dido and Aeneas" remains the only "classical" one, where the drama is sung from beginning to end.
This chamber English opera was written for the Josias Priest's girls' school in Chelsea and was intended for "Young Gentlewomen". Officially, it is "Dido and Aeneas" that marks the beginning of the English national operatic tradition.
In search of answers, researchers continue to discover the treasures of "Dido and Aeneas". Purcell's piece swells with musical-theatrical findings. The soloists, the choir and the orchestra interact with a firm flexibility.
Every age has its own idea of what the story is about. For example, in the 19th century "Dido and Aeneas" was valued for its tragic pathos. In the 21st... Perhaps, for admitting the powerlessness of the mind in the face of feeling and the bitter return to ice-cold reality.

19-20/05, VDNG
19-20/05, VDNG
Open rehearsal, VDNG
Open rehearsal, VDNG
19-20/05, VDNG
19-20/05, VDNG
Open rehearsal, VDNG
Open rehearsal, VDNG